Entries by yoga_admin

Yoga of Aliveness

I was recently asked, “What brings you Alive?”  I wrote this poetic essay “Yoga of Aliveness” describing the way my yoga practice brings me alive on and off the mat.  Click on this link to read it online in the Kosmos Journal  http://www.kosmosjournal.org/reader-essay/yoga-of-aliveness/

Yoga Dark Night of The Soul — Are you Going Through a Spiritual Transformation?

The other day I asked my yoga students, “how many people are going through a change in your life right now?”  The whole class raised their hand. Everyone was nodding their head up and down and connecting with each other through confirming eye glances.  Then I asked, “how many people are going through a transformation in your life right […]

Why Yoga of Awakening?

The ancient yoga journey to awaken to the divine is alive in each and every one of us.  We are all being called into an epic journey of transformation much the same way an acorn is inextricably drawn to become an oak tree. Is some part of you longing for more in life?  Are you […]